Let your words be few, and your exposures many.

About Me

sixty two years old, married FORTY years to high school sweetheart, three great kids, one great daughter-in-law, two great son-in-laws and a grand"MA" to seven grandsons Slate, Jack, Ledger, Peyton, Will, Knox, Mason, and one grand-daughter Evan Kate. How blessed am I!!!

Blog Archive

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Our 3rd Family Night At The "Big" House Since Mom Passed Away 12 Weeks Ago . . . Fred Has Everything Looking So Nice And The Phlox Are Beautiful . . . Mom Is Smiling, I'm Sure . . . She Loved Springtime!

 photo UW2A7787houseW_zps714889ca.jpg  photo UW2A7732flowersW_zps71223067.jpg  photo UW2A7761flower1w_zps7e754739.jpg

1 comment:

Mary B. said...

Beautiful, Rach. The Mcs and we walked in together and we came in via the patio. Jenny commented to Freddie that we need to get some good pictures of all this, what we saw as we walked in. And then I see you did that last week. I think I'm headed out there with my new camera to get some good pictures.