Let your words be few, and your exposures many.

About Me

sixty two years old, married FORTY years to high school sweetheart, three great kids, one great daughter-in-law, two great son-in-laws and a grand"MA" to seven grandsons Slate, Jack, Ledger, Peyton, Will, Knox, Mason, and one grand-daughter Evan Kate. How blessed am I!!!

Blog Archive

Thursday, January 21, 2010

God Speaks In Mysterious Ways

Funny Story Yesterday
I was heading to Mandy's to watch Slate while she kept a doctor's appointment at 2:00 and then going to a furniture store with her and Max at 5:30 so figured I would be home around 6:30 or so. I was planning on making a chef salad for dinner and I like chopped eggs on mine, so I put some eggs on to boil around 12:45 thinking that I could get them cooked before leaving for Mandy's and then all I would have to do when I got home was throw the salad together and we could still eat around 7:00 or 7:15.
Well, I got to Mandy's at 1:30, she left, I played with Slate until 2:00, put him down for his nap and got on their computer. I went to my e-mail and pulled up my daily bible reading (needed to read Tuesday's and Wednesday's). I am doing the Bible in chronological order so am now in the book of Job. Well, I was reading along and came to Job 6:6 "Can that which has no taste to it be eaten without salt? Or is there any flavor in the white of an egg?" and thought OH MY GOSH, I DO NOT REMEMBER TURNING THE HEAT OFF UNDER MY EGGS! I panicked, as it was now 3:00 and I had turned the fire on fairly high when I put the eggs on - couldn't wake Slate up and take him as I had no car seat - so I called Phil and asked if he was swamped and he said "yes, what's up" and told him what I had done so then called Isaac and fortunately he was able to run out to the house and grab them off the stove. Pan was black and smoke pouring out. It was pretty bad - he opened up the doors and left the house airing until I ran home at 5:00. As soon as I pulled into the garage and opened my car door it reeked!!! I had googled to see how to get rid of burned smell in house and the common thread I read was large bowls of vinegar set throughout the house as well as cotton balls soaked with "real" vanilla extract. So that's what I did - and 24 hours later, Audra came home for lunch and said she couldn't smell it at all! YEAH!!
Anyway, I think my new favorite verse is Job 6:6 :)
- but I am VERY THANKFUL as I had not planned on returning home until 7:00 pm yesterday evening. I'm not sure what damage another four hours of heat on that pan would have done!!! :o

the remedy


Anonymous said...

WOW!..I need to start taking my
vinegar again.....glad everything
is okay!

Paul Burleson said...

What'sa matter with those eggs? That's the way I cook em.

rachelfraim said...

Funny thing you should say that, Paul! I showed Phil the pan I "saved" (I didn't tell my kids I saved it because I got a new set of pots and pans for Christmas and I still keep cooking in my old ones). - anyway, when I showed Phil the pan, he was amazed and then asked what happened to those eggs. I told him we had them on our salad that night - and he said "guess they didn't taste any different than the way you usually cook them!" :-)