Let your words be few, and your exposures many.

About Me

sixty two years old, married FORTY years to high school sweetheart, three great kids, one great daughter-in-law, two great son-in-laws and a grand"MA" to seven grandsons Slate, Jack, Ledger, Peyton, Will, Knox, Mason, and one grand-daughter Evan Kate. How blessed am I!!!

Blog Archive

Monday, September 21, 2009

Never Too Old To Learn

I had not seen Ruth since Aud's wedding, and she called one day when she was heading out to give Fred and mom a quick lesson. They were quite entertaining and not too bad!! :)







Mary Burleson said...

Fun pictures. Love that old piano. Had many a fun time playing on it. MB

Anonymous said...

Rachel, I love you photography!!! And those are special pics of your sweet grandmother...and Freddy! I'll make your sight a fav so I can see all the beautiful pics. Marjory Brown

Anonymous said...

Make that your photography...WOW, can't type!