Let your words be few, and your exposures many.

About Me

sixty two years old, married FORTY years to high school sweetheart, three great kids, one great daughter-in-law, two great son-in-laws and a grand"MA" to seven grandsons Slate, Jack, Ledger, Peyton, Will, Knox, Mason, and one grand-daughter Evan Kate. How blessed am I!!!

Blog Archive

Friday, August 15, 2008

Enjoying Oklahoma City with Pam and Jim

The last day before Pam, Jim and Caleb flew back to Cleveland, Phil took off work and drove us around to a few places in Oklahoma City. We started out about 10:30 and after a quick trip by Sonic headed to the state capitol. We then went to Phil's office downtown followed by lunch at Twin Hills. After lunch we went through the Oklahoma Historical Society which Phil and I had never visited. It was so interesting and we could have spent several more hours there. We ended our outing by taking Jim by mom's house and visiting with her and Fred for a while. Oh yeah, we had another quick stop at Sonic to end the day - there's no Sonic in Cleveland!! A fun day!

Our State Capitol

Pam, Jim and the indian!!

Pam and Sue at Twin Hills

Isaac joined us for lunch

Sue, Phil, and Pam - they look pretty good for being in the 50+ age group!

Pam in front of "Woody" - the birthday horse used on the Foreman Scotty set.
Pam was actually on the Foreman Scotty show at a friend's birthday party.

Pam and Foreman Scotty

I don't know these people

I don't think Jim has seen a buffalo before

Pam and Jim at mom's house

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Pam's Visit Cont'd

we teased Sue that her hat looked a little like a lampshade - what do you think?

pretty cute!

never shy in front of the camera!! I love it!

handsome guy!

Pam and Chad

Jim and Pam

the son-in-law from Tennessee!!

Phil and Caleb (his name sake "Phillip Caleb")

Monday, August 4, 2008

Pam Home For A Visit

Pam, Phil's sister, her youngest son Caleb and husband Jim are here for a week (a very HOT week!) Pam and Caleb moved to Cleveland a little over two years ago, and it's always fun when she comes for a visit - just not often enough!! Sue had all of us over for dinner Friday evening, and I was able to get some fun pictures.
Byron, Jim, Pam, Caleb, Sue, Ashlee and Chad

Pam and her four kids

Caleb and Lindsey (favorite cousins) - both graduated highschool in May

Sue and Ashlee (oldest grandchild)

Sue and her eight grandkids (including spouses and soon to be spouse)

Sue and eight grandkids: byron, chad, caleb, isaac;
lindsey, ashlee, mandy, audra and sue's dog angie

Lindsey and Jill (Paul's wife and daughter)

grandkids having fun with grannie sue