Let your words be few, and your exposures many.

About Me

sixty two years old, married FORTY years to high school sweetheart, three great kids, one great daughter-in-law, two great son-in-laws and a grand"MA" to seven grandsons Slate, Jack, Ledger, Peyton, Will, Knox, Mason, and one grand-daughter Evan Kate. How blessed am I!!!

Blog Archive

Thursday, July 10, 2008

ANOTHER Grandson On The Way!

Isaac and Shelby are expecting their first around Christmas time.
We got the good news on Mother's Day and today they shared their news with the family as to the sex of their baby. Shelby's good friend that is also her neighbor has a father who reads ultrasounds (for a living) and can do so on his laptop. He came over and did an ultrasound for them a couple of times and confirmed each time that he sees a little boy in the making. So they had us over and we all guessed they were having a boy except for Audra. (Even though she had always thought they were going to have a girl, she changed her mind at the end but said she would stick with her original guess.) They unwrapped a huge box and a blue balloon popped out. Russ (their neighbor's dad) came to do the ultrasound, and we all got to see the baby.
Another fun night - Phil and I feel VERY BLESSED with two grandsons on the way!!

let's get this thing open!!

we're having a boy!

technology has come a long way since our kids were born . . . ultrasounds at home!

grandma and grandpa wilson get a look at their first grandbaby

a few baby boy gifts (back to the store go the girl gifts!)


Thursday, July 3, 2008


Mandy and Max are expecting their first baby the first of December and shared their great news with us on Mother's Day. They went to the doctor today to find out the baby's sex, and we had a "finding out" party tonight. Mandy ordered a dozen cookies from her favorite place Eileens and called them from the doctor's office letting them know what color of icing to decorate the cookies with. After we ate, we all took a guess at what they were having (on video) and then they opened the box of cookies for the big revelation!! We then took to the backyard for a little fun with some sparklers!

the excitement builds

drum roll . . . .

they're blue!

a few gifts to celebrate!

Fun with Matt

Matt (Audra's fiance's brother) came to Edmond for a couple of nights. (His family lives in Broken Arrow). Mick and Audra took him to Frontier City, and they had fun swimming and playing games around here. What a great kid - just as sweet and fun as his big brother!! Hope he comes back soon.