Let your words be few, and your exposures many.

About Me

sixty two years old, married FORTY years to high school sweetheart, three great kids, one great daughter-in-law, two great son-in-laws and a grand"MA" to seven grandsons Slate, Jack, Ledger, Peyton, Will, Knox, Mason, and one grand-daughter Evan Kate. How blessed am I!!!

Blog Archive

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Weekend

I had a great birthday weekend, turning 52 on Sunday! Mom and Fred came over after church and had lunch with us. The girls brought lunch, along with a cookie cake (my fav). Fred made homemade ice crea--yummmmm! Mom reframed a picture she had given me several years ago which was one of her first ones to paint and is still my favorite. I loved ALL the gifts from my family with the best one being the day with them!

my reframed picture for our new house

fred celebrating his 60th this month!
hope I look that good at 60!

max, mandy, and paisley

aud and mick

say "hi", Aud

mick & isaac playing some one-on-one

mandy lovin' the pool


phil thought it was pretty awesome when the girl at the store
id'd him buying beer, making sure he was over 40 - and boy
is he over 40!!!!!!!!

what's so funny???

mandy & paisley

isaac & shelby

me and the hubby

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Enjoying the hydrangeas.

It's been fun watching these small plants grow and put on such pretty blooms this year. I grew to love this plant watching Fred's many hydrangeas bloom each year.

Mom and Fred Arriving For A Swim

Fred and Virgie came for their first swim, and I think they both enjoyed the pool. Fred designated every Wednesday this summer to be their "vacation" day at the Fraim pool!